Theatre Accessibility Grants
Theatre Accessibility Grants at Stagebugz provide need-based financial assistance that covers a portion of tuition for families who otherwise would not be able to afford the cost of a program. Our top priority at Stagebugz is to make arts affordable and accessible to all, and these grants are in place to prevent finances from being a barrier to a student's ability to participate. Grants are offered for all of Stagebugz's tuition-based classes and camps, and applications are reviewed by our grant committee to assess financial need and benefit to the child. If cost is preventing you from participating, we strongly encourage you to apply or contact us at we will always work with you to ensure your child can join, no matter the circumstance! Please do not complete a grant application until you are ready to commit to registration upon approval.
Summer 2025 Grants
Priority applications for Summer 2025 Theatre Accessibility Grants will be accepted from February 1st through March 14th 2025. All applications received during this window will be reviewed collectively, after which the Stagebugz Grant Review Committee will distribute available grant funds as equitably as possible based on demonstrated financial need and perceived benefit to the child. Applicants will be notified of decision by March 23rd, 2025. Grant awards must be accepted by registering for program within 1 week/5 business days of offer.*
Before applying, please take a moment to review the information on this page regarding our Theatre Accessibility Grant program, as incomplete or incorrect applications may affect eligibility. Then, click the button below to complete an application. If you have any questions or need accommodations to complete the application, please contact us at
*In the event that a camp reaches capacity prior to the application window, a select number of scholarship spots will be reserved in each program.
Who should apply?
Anyone who needs it! If money is the only reason your child cannot join a camp or class, we encourage you to apply for a grant. While grants are need-based, we understand that there are many reasons finances may be an issue aside from just household income. Each individual circumstance will be carefully evaluated; please do not hesitate to apply if you feel your family requires financial aid to participate. However, scholarship funds are limited, so we ask that families who are able to afford tuition leave these resources for others and refrain from applying.
When can I apply?
Applications for 2025 summer camps will be open from February 1st through March 14th, 2025. In the event that additional funds become available after initial grant offers have been sent, applications will re-open and b accepted on a rolling basis until all funds have been claimed or program has reached capacity.
Who will review my application?
Grant applications are reviewed by a volunteer review board which includes members of Colorado's non-profit and artistic communities, as well as certified accountants. This allows for all applications to receive equal consideration from an impartial third party outside of Stagebugz directors and instructors while ensuring applicant's information is kept safe and confidential.
How are grants determined?
Scholarship applications are considered holistically and evaluated on a rubric. Each member of the review committee gives the applicant a numerical score based on financial need, extenuating circumstances, percieved benefit to child, and level of demonstrated interest. While demonstrated need is the main factor considered, the review committee is looking for students who will benefit the most, which means we highly encourage you to be thoughtful and complete in your answers!
How much do scholarships cover?
Grant amounts range from 25% of program tuition to the equivalent of full tuition after the non-refundable deposit (approximately 60%). In order to serve as many students as possible, funds for summer of 2025 are currently limited to one class per child with a maximum of $250 per family. Those with significant extenuating circumstances who would not be able to participate without an exception to this limit may submit a written petition to the scholarship review committee in addition to their application.
When will I be notified?
Priority applicants for Summer 2025 will be notified between March 16th and March 23rd, 2025.
What if I don't receive a grant?
If you do not receive a grant, we highly encourage you to take advantage of Stagebugz's other financial assistance programs, including excellence scholarships, free workshops, sibling and military discounts, and pay-what-you-can classes. We would be happy to work with you to set up a payment plan to help ease the financial burden of a program as well.
I have been offered a grant. What next?
Grant recipients have 5 business days to accept their spot by registering for class. You will receive a scholarship code to apply at checkout on the registration site. Failure to register within the window will result in forfeit of your spot and the grant will be offered to another student. For extenuating circumstances/extension requests, families are expected to communicate with Stagebugz immediately. Declining a grant after it has been offered may affect your eligibility for scholarship funds in the future, so please be sure you are ready to commit to registering before you apply!